Sunday 29 June 2014

Beginner Workout Routines For Men: Build Muscle And Strength

Workout Routines :-

It’s time to pump you up!  Okay, you probably won’t be looking like a body builder right away, but the key to building muscle is to be consistent and stay motivated.  And if you are afraid of looking lost in the gym, don’t be, because we are going to go over some basic workout routines for men.
Chest / Shoulders /Triceps
These are known as the “pushing muscles” because all the exercises involve some sort of pushing or pressing movement.  For that reason, we want to focus on only these areas of our body.    
  • Bench Press (chest, triceps, shoulders) – The general rule is to start doing exercises that engage the most muscles, and in this case it would be the bench press, since it works out multiple areas.  If you are new to the bench press, start with just the bar to get used to the motion.  Don’t bounce the bar off your chest when bringing it down, and don’t lock your elbows when extending it.  Also, try to have a spotter when doing bench press so you can get a full workout in.  3-5 sets.
  • Military Press (shoulders, triceps) – You can use the smith cage or the military press machine to do this.  Be sure to keep your elbows bent at a 90 degree angle when starting, and then extend your arms up all the way.  Slowly bring the bar back down and back to your starting position.  3-5 sets.
  • Tricep Pushdown (triceps) – Face the pulley machine with the attached handle bar or rope at about shoulder level height.  Keep the bar close to your chest and push the bar down until it touches your thighs.  2 sets.
  • Dips (triceps, chest, shoulders) – This may be difficult for some at first, so use the dip machine if your gym has one to assist you.  Keeping your elbows at your side, lower your body until your triceps are parallel to the floor, then push yourself back up.  Try to do as many as possible until you can’t go down any more.  3 sets.